Thursday, September 15, 2011
Missouri Senate lets teachers be Facebook friends with students
Miwa's reading Notes #3
Wendi's Reading Notes #3
Ashley's Reading Notes #3
I have noticed that in some of my classes they list points for discussion, but do not define how you can achieve these points. What are some good ways to list in your syllabus how the points will be distributed? How much emphasis should an instructor place on discussion credit in the syllabus? Lang mentions ways to start off a discussion (p. 92) by allowing for students to talk about key points from the last lecture or what they think is important. This is a great idea for not only starting off a discussion, but also a method of assessing what key points the students are taking from lecture. Another way of starting a discussion that Davis mentions (p. 100) is writing three questions on index cards. I like that idea as a new instructor because it can be intimidating to always have questions for the class. It also emphasizes the idea of letting the students have some control over what they are going to learn (progressivism).
Besides discussion, asking and receiving questions are always a bit scary when teaching a class. Davis (p. 125) mentions methods of correcting wrong answers without putting the student down. I think this is important to learn because you don’t want to discourage students from interacting. Her point of not asking “Any Questions?” is very true and I have seen it very often in classes. If students do not ask any questions, what are some good methods to get them engaged? Cold calling? Writing questions and submitting?
Reading Notes #3
Reading Notes #3 Comm 702 9/15/11 Margaret Brady
This week’s readings focused on getting your class into groups for discussions. For the subjects that I teach (Anatomy/Physiology, Biology, Pathology) and for some of my class sizes (over 90), this is difficult. However, when I’ve had smaller classes, say around 25 or so, I have had success in getting the class into groups of about 4 and the “discussion” method I have chosen is to have each team make up “Jeopardy” questions. In this scenario, the groups are each studying their notes and books and discussing ways to form questions from that material. This has them re-reading the material and talking about it amongst themselves. In the above mentioned subjects, there is a lot of new vocabulary for students and a lot of rote memorization as well. In playing Jeopardy, the groups are re-learning these terms and turning the definitions around in order to make questions. Each team then goes up to the board and puts up their 5 categories (they choose their own categories from the chapters that we have covered) and they have their index cards with their “answers” from 100 to 500 points each and a daily double as well (just like on the game show). It is interesting for me to hear each group discussing what they will put down for their “answers” because I hear them saying things like, “No way is that one worth 100, that’s a 400 pointer.” This is telling me that not only are they studying the material but that they are able to discern the more difficult concepts from the simpler ones.
Then we have one student from the audience choose the first category, say “respiration for 100.” The student at the board who has made the “answer” for that category then states that from their index card and then it is open for anyone in the class to raise their hand and then come up with the “question.” They are still in teams so right responses gain points for their teams. This is a tremendous amount of fun and it has really helped the students study their notes amongst each other and discuss and analyze what is in the material in a more in depth fashion than just sitting at home and memorizing anatomical parts or physiological processes.
At Minneapolis Community College, I taught a class for several years called “Biology of Women.” What was really fun about that class was that it was small and the material lent itself nicely to discussion. The course included sections on “body image and society,” “skin and cosmetics,” “anatomy/physiology: menstrual cycle, pregnancy, labor, delivery,” and “birth control, abortion, miscarriage, stillbirth, etc.” and how all of these things affect women today in our society. I had each student keep a journal of what their thoughts were regarding the weekly readings and then we would discuss these topics in class. The personal subject matter lead to interesting discussion groups.
Mike's Reading Notes #3
Overall, I think the readings for this week were pretty helpful for leading and planning discussions. I always feel that discussion portions of class always seem to be the most difficult because of the challenges Lang talks about in the beginning of the chapter. Mostly that college aged kids likely (though not always) rolled out of bed 10 minutes before class, and are showing up on time for the sake of not being late, but aren’t quite prepared to learn. I think this is where Lang makes a great suggestion to hae students respond in writing for 10 minutes prior to the lecture beginning. Do you have students keep their responses to use in discussion? Or is this something you collect and grade? Also along those lines, Lang mentions that students will seek clarification with the pre-writing. Is there anyone who has given this mini-assignment and found that to be true?
Once the discussion begins, Davis immediately mentions that we as teachers should clarify our expectations for discussion at the beginning of the term. I feel this is great, because far too many times I receive a syllabus at the beginning of class that says there will be discussion and graded participation, but nowhere to be found is the expectations. Is this a good thing to put in the syllabus? Or should it just be discussed as a class?
Taking into account the questions Davis lists on page 121 in “Levels and Types of Questions”, what are some favorite questions the class likes to uses to engage students and drive discussion. I think that if we are going to grade discussion, it helps to give the students a few ideas for discussion. But when you are grading discussion, how do you grade that fairly? Even though Davis gives a few examples of grading, I feel that it is a very subjective and probably difficult to keep fair. Considering there are students who are positively terrified of talking in public, would this also be a good opportunity to require discussion outside of class in an online message board so those more reserved students can give input, but not feel pressured in class?
I also wanted to know if there were more strategies on presenting debate in class. I think having debate on a topic can be a good thing, especially when it involves issues that have two distinct sides, because it helps students understand the issue in a practical sense. But what are the most effective ways to do this while also maintaining control of the class during debate?
Ruoxu's Reading Note #3
Lang provided a very realistic and funny story at the beginning of the classroom discussion chapter, which describes a fully prepared instructor meet a bunch of students who are unwilling to respond to the killer starter question. I have to admit that this kind of situation happened to me a few times, but better than the instructor in the book, I always had one or two students answer the question.
Lang says “teaching the material requires that you engage it in a variety of ways, from reading and writing to speaking and listening to the responses of your students” (p.88). I agree on this and I am trying to explain one idea in a variety of ways. The hard thing is how to motivate the students to participate into the discussion?
Lang suggests of using the pre-writing method to help students turn their minds onto the course material, which also “ensures that they have time to think” (p.91). He defines this kind of writing as low-stakes writing. I find this method useful when I conduct a five minute pop quiz at the beginning of the class. After the quiz, the students seem to be more focus on the lecture and they tend to answer the question quickly than usual. Lang also says that when the students have written down the response, the instructor can feel more comfortable inviting everyone into the discussion (p.92). I did this on my speech class today and the overall effect is not so great but not so bad. At least everyone has something to say, the difference is just some students talk better, some don’t.
Another suggestion Lang makes is to ask the fact-based questions first and the killer question last. He says “once that material is available and visible to everyone, a more informed and participatory discussion should follow” (p.94). I haven’t prepared any killer questions yet, most of the questions I have asked are fact based so far. I will think about some in-depth question for the students to discuss in the future classes. My current situation is even when I throw out the fact based questions; the classroom still seems quiet sometimes. The only solution for me is to look at them and to create a few seconds’ silence and there is always someone who breaks the ice in the end. The question is how many silence should I create throughout the whole semester? When will the students finally be motivated and be willing to answer the question a little more quick?
Another interesting suggestion Lang makes is to “challenge students to a duel”, such as saying “I’ve said something interesting, now you say something interesting”; or inviting the students to “bring a dish to a feast”, such as saying “listen to all of these terrific ideas and comments; can we hear your thoughts as well?”(p. 97). I will consider using sentences like this to motivate my students.
Davis discusses mainly about how to use web 2.0 and how to assemble the students into groups to create a discussion in part V. I am particularly interested in knowing how to use social networking websites to make an interaction with the students. The book talks about some points we should pay attention. Like, keep the profile professional to maintain authority, respect the student’s privacy by avoiding spy on the students and be cautious about “friending”. I would like the class on Thursday to talk about the social networking topics, such as, will you accept the friending request from a student on Facebook?
Johnson divided the group work into three types: informal learning groups, formal learning groups, and study groups (p.191). Most of the in class activities at COMM110 class use informal learning groups. I randomly divide the students into several groups, usually 4 to 5 people a group. They will complete the in class activity together and turn in their final work if it needs to be graded. One thing that worries me is that the students are following the original group pattern, which is the one I divided at the first class activity. These informal groups have turned into long term groups. I would rather they cooperate with new people on each activity so that they don’t have to rely on one particular person every time. For example, if one student chooses to be the writing person, he or she will be the writing person forever. How should I tackle this problem? The book talks about rearranging the group members but it does not specify on this issue.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Adam - Reading Notes #3
Nancy's Reading Notes #3
Davis explains a multitude of ways to increase student participation. The two ideas which I believe deserve to be discussed in class are “limiting instructor responses” and “dividing students into small groups” (p. 107). As a new instructor, I know that when I pose a question and all eyes are on the floor, I can either assume that the students are not prepared, they do not understand the question, or that they feel uncomfortable answering. When those few moments of “dead air” pass by, how long should I give students to answer before changing the question, or answering it myself? Conversely, when students do give responses, I feel I may be so grateful that a response was given that I tend to move on instead of probing the class to create a more in-depth conversation. Limiting instructor comments and placing students in small groups seem like great ways to encourage discussion among classmates.
Just as Davis mentions placing students in small groups to encourage participation by creating a less threatening environment, Lang discusses the idea of “Think-Pair-Share” (p. 93). I think this idea is important because not only does it help create a more comfortable atmosphere for students, but it tends to boost their confidence. This should be discussed in class as a great way to help shy/quiet students participate, and to allow the instructor to walk around and check in with these small groups. As the instructor checks in with these smaller groups, it helps offer more personalized attention since the instructor is not addressing the entire class. Shy or self-conscious students may feel uncomfortable asking questions in front of the entire class, and they may open up more to two or three other peers.
Aside from helping students work together to increase participation, Lang also discusses the idea of what to do when the discussion veers off topic. I think this is very important because when students begin to feel passionate about a topic and become very involved, I feel bad jumping into the discussion to redirect them because I do not want to ruin the momentum. What are the best ways to approach changing and redirecting a topic without making the students feel like they have done something wrong?
To address the lack of participation I am experiences with one of my classes, I almost wonder if I should adopt a grading procedure for participation in my future semesters. Currently, I do not grade participation; however, I believe it may encourage students to talk if it were required. Then again, would it “encourage” discussion, or would it make students feel as though they are being “forced” to talk?
Reading Notes #3
Davis makes some great points in setting the context of the class early and teaching students how to participate in class. She also mentions to refer to study questions, homework, or readings to link assignments and new knowledge to class discussion. Her suggestions of assigning students to lead discussions have been often used in my graduate classes. I have noticed that it helps encourage others to participate as they know they will soon be in the same situation as their classroom peers in leading class. Davis also gave great suggestions on how to use positive reinforcement to recognize a student’s contributions. Positive comments, acknowledging contribution using students’ names, and praising positive answers were all suggestions in this reading that seem to encourage further participation by students. She also gave some excellent discussion suggestions for quiet students, dominating students, and incorrect answers. I particularly found the section on grading class participation helpful as I am struggling to figure out how I will give participation points in the class I took over teaching this semester.
Davis’ section on questions discussed the types of questions and explained how to categorize them according to Bloom’s classic hierarchy of cognitive skills (p.120). I found the section on effective question the most helpful (p.121). She discussed asking one simple question rather than something with multiple parts or complex. Avoiding yes or no questions I thought was also a great point as it does not spark further discussion. Additionally, both Davis and Lange mentioned waiting 10-15 seconds after asking a question ensuring eventually someone will answer. I will make sure to wait longer when I begin asking questions as I otherwise would probably only wait a few before answering the question myself. In my few brief classes where I have covered for my advisor, my fears were definitely realized the same as Lange describes in his opening paragraph. I feel with practice and using these suggestions my class I am teaching this semester will soon be sparked with lively class discussion. One thing this reading didn’t cover, however, is what to do when you have students that are all very comfortable with each other so much that they never quit discussing during class?